Product Material Decriptions
ABC (Crush & Run): Crushed gravel mixed with
sand for compaction
Rip Rap: (5” to 8”) Used for erosion
control and borders.
Crushed Brick Chips: (1/2” to 1”) Used
mostly as a decorative border instead of mulch.
Round stone: (3” to 4”) Used mostly
for decoration and erosion control
#5 Septic Gravel: (3/4” to 1 1/2”)
Used in septic tanks and drain Lines.
#57 White Gravel: (3/8” to 1”) Used
mostly as a decorative rock.
#57 Grey Gravel: (3/8” to 1”) Used
for parking lots, driveways, erosion control,
#57 River Rock: Under slabs and for decoration.
#78 Grey Gravel: (1/4” to 1/2”) Used
for parking lots, driveways, erosion control,
#78 Dark Granite: (1/4” to 1/2”) Used
for parking lots, driveways and decoration.
Screenings: A by-product of gravel that is used
for driveways, parking lots as filler.
Landscaping Boulders: (4’ to 6’) Used
for landscape decoration.
Sand Clay: It is a sand and clay mixture that compacts.
Used mostly under concrete.